ALTHEORA’s core purpose is to contribute to the creation of a world that generates sustainable and inclusive growth. Within its ecosystem, each company continually seeks to improve its practices, starting by reducing its environmental footprint and favoring the well-being of its employees.
But ALTHEORA’s participation in the 4th Industrial Revolution is not reduced to the individual efforts of the companies in its ecosystem. ALTHEORA’s uniqueness rests in its drive to create a symbiotic industrial system with these companies and start-ups. In this way, the natural functioning of the ALTHEORA ecosystem will involve sharing common or complementary needs, re-purposing by-products, exchanging raw materials, water, energy, services coming from different industrial activities, knowledge, technical processes or eco-innovations.
ALTHEORA extends its responsibility across the entire value chain, seeking to systematically combine competitiveness and durable positive impact.
Get to know the shared values within the ALTHEORA ecosystem:

Innovation fuels growth at ALTHEORA. Within its ecosystem, ALTHEORA SHIFT is a true innovation accelerator. Its mission is to inspire and nurture researchers, students, and start-ups to discover and to produce the patents and innovative and sustainable industrial projects of the future.
In a hybrid area that mixes applied research and industrial manufacturing, and favoring collaboration between the different types of persons who work in that area, ALTHEORA SHIFT accompanies start-ups that it has chosen, sharing its R&D teams, as well as its technological, commercial, and marketing resources to create a more vibrant industrial fabric, and foster the 4th Industrial Revolution.
For ALTHEORA, SHIFT is a state of mind: it is the spark of creativity that lights the fire and drives transformation. It is the capacity to work outside the box, to push one’s limits, to look at problems from another angle, and in so doing, imagining new technological solutions.
SHIFT is also a team of people who are convinced that innovation is the solution for building high-performance industry that contributes to a world that has more respect for people and the planet.

ALTHEORA is convinced that its responsible approach is a powerful driver of innovation and transformation. Within its ecosystem, it adopted a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach that is a first in its sector.
This commitment is already in place for MECELEC COMPOSITES, the expert and leader in the transformation of composite materials which, for the fourth consecutive year, is among the highest-rated French small and mid-cap companies in terms of social, environmental, and governance performance in the top slots of Gaïa Rating 2020.
This distinction is a reflection of the strategy of seeking regular performance improvement, both in terms of economics and in terms of corporate social responsibility (governance, labor policy, health and safety).
Every day, ALTHEORA combines its efforts to demonstrate its capacity as a competitive industrial ecosystem, a responsible employer, a provider of quality innovative solutions that are environmentally responsible, and to demonstrate that it is a partner that can be trusted.
In order to monitor its non-financial performance, ALTHEORA chose to refer to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as they are defined by the UN. 16 SDGs were selected to lead five large impact areas: reduce our environmental footprint, improve well-being for everyone, steer a responsible supply chain, communicate with complete transparency, get involved in the organization of the local ecosystem. For each of these, ALTHEORA defines and implements a dedicated CSR policy, alongside its stakeholders.

Details on our SDGs:
Reduce our environmental footprint
Altheora is committed to reducing the environmental footprint related to the manufacture of its products by 2025:
- Reduce packaging with our suppliers and our clients, as well as implementing packaging that is 100% recyclable and/or biodegradable.
- Plan in order to reduce our consumption of energy and the amount of waste we produce for all of our sites.
- Improve our carbon impact by 10% per year for our manufacturing operations.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions across our entire value chain.
- Integrate natural reinforcements in the structure of our composite materials.
- Use recycled raw materials and materials that have a low environmental impact.
- Ensure that 100% of all wastewater discharged is non-polluting: tested once a year
- Implement actions to preserve terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity in the areas surrounding our sites, in partnership with the ARCHE Agglo association.

Improve well-being for everyone
Committed to the people on its teams, but also more generally to those that are part of its ecosystem and its sector, ALTHEORA:
- Adheres to the principles of the UN Global Compact and integrate each of its principles into the vision of our group, our culture, and our operations, and in the interactions with interested parties.
- Provides a respectful remuneration system (13th month of salary, attendance bonus, public transport benefits, etc.)
- Commits to favoring gender equality, to representation that is gender-balanced at all levels of the business, and to the elimination of salary gaps between women and men: Gender equality index for 2020 = 93/100
- Provides quality professional training for all of our employees throughout the year.
- Implements the ISHIKAWA approach for the analysis of workplace accidents in order to work towards a rate of 0 accidents for our entire group.
- Reduces work-related musculoskeletal disorders by taking significant actions in the workplace and by adapting employee workstations.
- Shares social and environmental best practices with our partners, suppliers, and clients.
- Sets up a sustainable development week at all of our sites each year.
- Uses a collective approach to on-the-job skills evaluation (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience, VAE). To date, 12 evaluations resulting in receipt of a professional qualification certificate, as well as 2 professional “baccalauréats”, 1 superior technician certificate (brevet de technicien supérieur) and 5 diplomas from the French national education system.

Steer a responsible supply chain
Altheora ensures its responsibility related to each activity that makes up the life cycle and takes necessary measures to control all of its actions and those of its stakeholders at every step:
- Implement a Responsible Purchasing Charter in order to inform our suppliers of our actions.
- Put a precise CSR rating in place for suppliers, and in particular for transportation companies.
- Highlight CSR best practices and eco-responsible behavior for suppliers.
- Organize co-development projects with partners, as well as productivity workshops.
- Implement an Optimization Calculator for the useful volume of tractor trailers to increase efficiency when orders are sent out.
- Have an investment plan for manufacturing resources that is as respectful as possible of the environment, including improvements compared to the existing industrial facilities.
- Set a minimum number of innovative and sustainable projects in development per year
- Have policies for integration and access to employment for certain vulnerable or disadvantaged populations (rural areas, unqualified workers, disabled workers, refugees, etc.) 6% of the workforce in 2020.
- Develop a plan to reduce production of waste and consumption of energy. Objective: re-purpose 100% of our raw material production scraps. To be implemented at the Mauves site, then general deployment of impact measurement tools (carbon review, review of atmospheric pollution produced)
- Renewal plan for the current fleet of vehicles to move to cleaner vehicles (hybrid or electric)

Communicate with complete transparency
Altheora is committed to meeting the expectations, and responding to the questions and remarks made by its stakeholders, in complete transparency:
- Transparency in governance, in business models, in relations with employees, and within the ALTHEORA ecosystem
- Integration of a scale of client ratings that seeks to obtain the results of the evaluation of client relations and client satisfaction.
- Continuous improvement processes implemented based on the results obtained and communication of the results internally and to the stakeholders to confirm the group’s commitment to meet the expectations of its clients.
- Compliance with the transparency and ethics charter of companies listed on the Euronext Growth market.

Get involved in the organization of the local ecosystem
ALTHEORA gets involved in local sustainable development by working with local partners, groups of professionals, associations, and communities, and favors sharing experience and best practices:
- Collaborative work with major partners specialized in ecological and energy transition (La French Fab, La French Tech, Coq Vert BPI, ADEME, etc.)
- Communication on social networks concerning commitments, actions carried out by the business and its strategy of founding a development ecosystem with a shared objective.
- Maintaining relations with its main suppliers and its professional partners, with the goal of being able to associate and to build a responsible business model over the long term.
- Organizing day-long events and workshops in order to inform the public and to educate younger people to adopt eco-responsible behavior
- Participating in the development of projects and local planning for the good of the local communities.